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Mouse Anti-GJC2  antibody (bsm-51507M)
订购QQ:  400-901-9800
说明书: 50ul  100ul  

产品编号 bsm-51507M
英文名称 Mouse Anti-GJC2  antibody
中文名称 间隙连接蛋白47单克隆抗体
别    名 Connexin 46.6; Connexin 47; Connexin-46.6; Connexin-47; Connexin46.6; Connexin47; CX 46.6; Cx 47; Cx46.6; Cx47; CXG2_HUMAN; Gap junction alpha 12 protein; Gap junction alpha-12 protein; Gap junction gamma 2 protein; Gap junction gamma-2 protein; Gap junction protein alpha 12 47kDa; Gap junction protein gamma 2 47kDa; GAP JUNCTION PROTEIN, 47-KD; gap junction protein, gamma 12, 47kDa; gap junction protein, gamma 2, 47kDa; GJA 12; GJA12; GJC 2; HLD 2; HLD2; PMLDAR; SPG44; CXG2_HUMAN.  
研究领域 神经生物学  信号转导  骨髓细胞  细胞外基质  
抗体来源 Mouse
克隆类型 Monoclonal
克 隆 号 D4F12
交叉反应 Human
产品应用 WB=1:500-1000
not yet tested in other applications.
optimal dilutions/concentrations should be determined by the end user.
理论分子量 47kDa
细胞定位 细胞膜 
性    状 Liquid
浓    度 1mg/ml
免 疫 原 KLH conjugated synthetic peptide derived from human GJC2: 1-100/439 
亚    型 IgM
纯化方法 affinity purified by Protein G
缓 冲 液 0.01M TBS(pH7.4) with 1% BSA, 0.03% Proclin300 and 50% Glycerol.
保存条件 Shipped at 4℃. Store at -20 °C for one year. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
注意事项 This product as supplied is intended for research use only, not for use in human, therapeutic or diagnostic applications.
PubMed PubMed
产品介绍 This gene encodes a gap junction protein. Gap junction proteins are members of a large family of homologous connexins and comprise 4 transmembrane, 2 extracellular, and 3 cytoplasmic domains. This gene plays a key role in central myelination and is involved in peripheral myelination in humans. Defects in this gene are the cause of autosomal recessive Pelizaeus-Merzbacher-like disease-1. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

One gap junction consists of a cluster of closely packed pairs of transmembrane channels, the connexons, through which materials of low MW diffuse from one cell to a neighboring cell. May play a role in myelination in central and peripheral nervous systems.

A connexon is composed of a hexamer of connexins. Interacts with TJP1.

Subcellular Location:
Cell membrane. Cell junction; gap junction.

Tissue Specificity:
Expressed in central nervous system, in sciatic nerve and sural nerve. Also detected in skeletal muscles.

Defects in GJC2 are the cause of leukodystrophy hypomyelinating type 2 (HLD2) ; also known as Pelizaeus-Merzbacher-like disease autosomal recessive type 1. HLD2 is an autosomal recessive hypomyelinating leukodystrophy characterized by nystagmus, impaired motor development, ataxia, choreoathetotic movements, dysarthria and progressive spasticity.
Defects in GJC2 are the cause of spastic paraplegia autosomal recessive type 44 (SPG44). A form of spastic paraplegia, a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a slow, gradual, progressive weakness and spasticity of the lower limbs. Rate of progression and the severity of symptoms are quite variable. Initial symptoms may include difficulty with balance, weakness and stiffness in the legs, muscle spasms, and dragging the toes when walking. In some forms of the disorder, bladder symptoms (such as incontinence) may appear, or the weakness and stiffness may spread to other parts of the body.

Belongs to the connexin family. Gamma-type subfamily.


Gene ID:

Database links:

Entrez Gene: 57165 Human

SwissProt: Q5T442 Human

Lane 1: A549 cell lysates
Primary: Anti-GJC2 (bsm-51507M) at 1/1000 dilution
Secondary: IRDye800CW Goat Anti-Mouse IgG at 1/20000 dilution
Predicted band size: 47 kD
Observed band size: 47 kD
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